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暴雪致敬黑魂? 魔兽世界新版本惊现太阳骑士

Blizzard tribute black soul? A new version of world of warcraft knights of near the sun

2016-07-26 15:31:24来源: 新浪

《魔兽世界》7.0前夕版本已于日前上线,不知道大家有没有发现,瓦王墓地来了一位新客人——安多哈尔的索拉尔。你没看错,就是《黑暗之魂》里忠厚老实的太阳骑士索拉尔,感兴趣的不妨去看看这个魔兽致敬黑魂的彩蛋。 这个彩蛋角色最早是以要塞随从的形式出现的,要到要塞旅店去招募,随机出现。职业就是...

Before the eve of world of warcraft 7.0 version in online, don't know if you have found that a new guest tile cemetery to the king, amdo sorrell, Hal. You read that right, that is, the dark spirit of loyal knight sorrell, the sun, in the interest of might as well go and see the tribute of warcraft dark soul of eggs. The eggs role came in the form of fort after the earliest, is going to recruit, in fort hotel randomly appear. Profession is...

标签: 暴雪 魔兽世界