新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国手游年中报告:超六成用户愿为角色扮演类付费


Report: China mobile game year by more than sixty percent users willing to pay for role-playing

2016-07-26 14:06:59来源: 新浪

企鹅智酷联手应用宝大数据共同发布《中国手游行业2016年中报告》,报告数据显示,手游用户规模趋于稳定,中国手游用户付费率及月均付费金额均出现大幅增长。 据报告数据显示,国内手游用户的付费率明显提高,由2014年27.6%提升至2015年的46.6%,而到2016年上半年,手游用户付费...

Cool penguins wisdom together with application of treasure big data released the report on China's mobile game industry 2016 years, the report data show that stable mobile game user scale, China mobile game users pay rate and monthly payment amount are increased significantly. According to the report, according to the domestic mobile game users pay rate increased significantly, from 27.6% in 2014 to 46.6% in 2015, and by 2016 in the first half of the mobile game users to pay...

标签: 手游