新关注 > 信息聚合 > 机甲竞技游戏《RIGS》或许是PSVR最好的首发大作


Mech Games "RIGS" is perhaps the best starting for PSVR

2016-06-21 12:14:36来源: 新浪

由索尼互动娱环球工作室(SIE WWS)旗下 Guerilla Games 剑桥工作室开发的 PlayStationS VR 独占对战动作射击游戏《RIGS:机械化战斗联盟(RIGS: Mechanized Combat League)》,在这次 E3 展出了最新版本的多人模式试玩,同时...

By SONY interactive entertainment studio (SIE WWS) Guerilla Games's Cambridge Studio development PlayStationS VR exclusive battle action shooter game "RIGS: mechanized war Alliance (RIGS: Mechanized Combat League"), in the E3 display demo the latest version of the multiplayer mode, at the same time...

标签: 游戏 PS VR