新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国最高颜值MOBA《第十域》今日不删档开启


China's top level MOBA appearance "the 10th domain" does not delete files today

2016-06-17 10:28:11来源: 17173

是时候,玩点不一样的MOBA游戏了!超级英雄团战MOBA网游《第十域:英雄起源》(简称“D10”)今日启动不删档测试。超过33名个性时尚的超级英雄同场竞技,引领全民开黑的MOBA社交时代! 《第十域》超炫CG首曝 不删档测试今日开启:? 与传统的5V5经典推塔MOBA不同,《第...

Is time to do something different MOBA games! Super battle YingXiongTuan MOBA games the origin of the 10th domain: hero (hereinafter referred to as "D10") start today don't delete file test. More than 33 superhero kick-about personality fashion, leading the national open black MOBA social era! "The tenth domain" stunning CG first exposure does not delete files test today open:? Different from the traditional classic 5 v5 for pushing MOBA, "the first...