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十年魔兽粉丝齐聚 YY直播感动玩家

Ten years of world of Warcraft fans gathered to move players to live YY

2016-06-17 10:45:00来源: IB资讯

近期,《魔兽》电影已然成为了最火爆的话题,魔兽玩家们纷纷慷慨解囊为电影的票房添砖加瓦,在电影中感受情怀。于是乎,在上映的短短几天内票房直逼10亿大关,也引起了其他行业的广泛关注。而这股强大的市场焦点,无疑也是一次巨大的市场机遇。 YY直播为此专门在6月16日开设魔兽音乐会,回顾11年...

Recently, the movie "Warcraft" has become the most popular topic of Warcraft game player, who have generously for the film's box office, feel the feelings in the movies. Then, just a few days after the release of the box office at the 1 billion mark, also caused widespread concern in other industries. And this strong focus of the market is undoubtedly a huge market opportunities. YY live for this purpose in June 16th to set up a world of Warcraft concert, a review of 11 years...

标签: 玩家 直播 YY