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"Nine Yin true through" 3 d world points for the game

2016-05-26 11:08:47来源: 17173

蜗牛游戏2016年度3DMMO武侠手游《九阴真经3D》今日正式曝光大型PVP据点战玩法。全服帮派的生死对抗,分散在大世界内帮会据点的激烈争夺,究竟谁会成为这个夏天最耀眼的王者,让我们一起拭目以待。 据悉,首次线上测试已经在筹备中,相信不久就将与玩家们见面。玩家现可通过下方活动进行首测...

Snail game 3 dmmo martial arts 2016 mobile game "nine Yin true through" 3 d today revealed large PVP battle stronghold. Full-scale gang fight for life and death, gang stronghold contested scattered around the world, who will become the most dazzling king this summer, let's wait and see. It is reported, online test already in the pipeline for the first time, believe that soon will meet with the players. Players can now through the activities below first...