新关注 > 信息聚合 > SKT恐迎低谷 LCK夏季赛各强队走势预测

SKT恐迎低谷 LCK夏季赛各强队走势预测

SKT fear welcome low LCK summer tournament teams each trend forecast

2016-05-26 08:07:24来源: TechWeb

LCK夏季赛开赛前夕,参赛的10支战队纷纷对比赛结果、战队实力等进行了预测。其中9支战队全部认为SKT是最强战队,只有SKT监督并未因为刚刚拿到MSI冠军就自满,反而发表了相反的看法:在LCK起跑线上,SKT只是一支弱队。 预测结果——大部分战队都认为夏季赛三强会是SKT-ROX-K...

LCK start on the eve of the summer season, the 10 participating teams have on the results of the competition, team strength, and predicted. Where nine teams all believe SKT is the strongest team, not only because SKT supervision just to get the MSI championship complacency, but delivered a contrary view: LCK on the starting line, SKT is a weak teams. Prediction - Summer season most teams think the top three will be SKT-ROX-K ...