新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传ESPN欲转播英雄联盟比赛 开价高达5亿美金

传ESPN欲转播英雄联盟比赛 开价高达5亿美金

The ESPN to broadcast the hero league game Offer as much as $500 million

2016-05-26 04:03:24来源: 东北网

《英雄联盟》赛事 电子竞技产业的发展在近年来几乎是呈现爆炸的趋势,《英雄联盟》职业选手的收入动辄七八位数,而《Dota2》则凭借TI比赛的恐怖奖金而每年震惊一下游戏圈甚至是整个经济界。而如果批评者仍然想以“不入流”来批评电子竞技的话,那么这些人很可能得重新考虑一下措辞了:据传世界最大...

"Hero alliance" match the development of e-sports industry in recent years is almost explosion trends, "hero alliance" professional income at seven or eight digits, while the Dota2 with TI game terrorist bonus every year shocked the games and even the whole economic circle. And if the critics want to still with "dirty" to criticize e-sports, so these people will probably have to reconsider the phrase: is the world's largest...

标签: 英雄联盟