新关注 > 信息聚合 > ya247《大剑传奇》删档封测即将来袭


Ya247 "big sword legend" delete file testing is about to hit

2016-05-26 03:27:35来源: 07073游戏网

永恒即是经典,永恒,不灭的记忆,不管它经过了多少的岁月蹉跎,始终保持着最初的模样,印在那些相信它的人心底。 永恒不会被磨灭,大剑传奇将承载着它的步伐,出现在世人的面前 经典的沙巴克战役,顶级装备自然搭配,带你体验不一样的经典,话不多说,一睹为快 首冲超强装备,带你持战沙场,暴...

Eternity is classic, eternal, immortal memory, no matter how many years away, it passes through the has always maintained the original appearance, printed on those who believe in it the bottom of my heart. Forever will not be banished, the pace of the big sword legend will carry it, appear in front of the world Classic shabak campaign, the top gear natural collocation, take you experience different classic, few words said, now The first with the super gear, war battlefield you hold, violence...