新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雷亚重磅音游新作《兰空VOEZ》登陆iOS 安卓版姗..

雷亚重磅音游新作《兰空VOEZ》登陆iOS 安卓版姗..

Rhea blockbuster sound swim aeon LanKong VOEZ "landing iOS android version. She.

2016-05-26 10:56:56来源: 4399

以音游作品闻名业内的台湾雷亚游戏在经历《聚爆》、《伊甸之魂》的新类型尝试后,再一次将目光聚集在看家音游作品上。而近日,旗下第三款音游《兰空VOEZ》在万众期待中正式登陆iOS平台!而安卓版也将在即将到来的6月份与玩家见面,安卓用户稍安勿躁哟! 兰空VOEZ 继《Cytus》和《Dee...

Is famous for its sound swimming works rhea game industry in Taiwan after the implosion, a new type of "soul" Eden try later, once again, will focus on the swim guarding the sound works. And recently, its third paragraph sound swim the LanKong VOEZ "landing in the much-anticipated formal iOS platform! And the android version will also meet with the players in the coming June, android users be calm! LanKong VOEZ following the "Cytus" and "the Dee...

标签: iOS 安卓