新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大家还满意吗?任天堂新一代掌机确认


You also satisfied? Nintendo is a new generation of handheld

2016-05-26 10:11:33来源: 环球网

最近一段时间有关任天堂新一代游戏机消息一直被炒的很热,而就在玩家和媒体都把目光盯在代号NX的全新家用游戏机身上时,任天堂的下一代掌机也浮出水面。 任天堂在最新一期的财报中提到,公司会在2017年3月至2020年3月期间接连推出新一代游戏机NX(暂定名)和新一代便携游戏机MH(暂定名)...

Recently new generation on the nintendo ds news has been fired is very hot, just looking at the code on the players and the media are NX's new console, the next generation of nintendo's handheld has surfaced. Nintendo in the latest issue of the results, the company will be in March 2017 to March 2020 have launched a new generation of consoles NX (also) and a new generation of portable console MH (also)...

标签: 任天堂