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友谊的小船说翻就翻! 厦密室游戏商集体“逃离”..

The boat of friendship was turned upside down! Chamber of secrets, game business collective "escape"..

2016-05-26 09:07:42来源: 台海网

◆密室游戏很受年轻人热捧 新美大为两大互联网平台——美团和大众点评网合并后的产物,对厦门密室游戏商家来说,这一合并并不是什么好消息。“合并后,想继续上架就得交上架费,不交就得买推广产品,推广产品不仅没什么用,还会不断被收费,最可恨的是,两家公司一合并,平台佣金直接翻四五倍。”有商家表...

The game room is very popular with young people touted for new product two Internet platform - the U.S. group and dianping.com after the merger, the Xiamen chamber game businesses, this combination is not what good news. After the merger, want to continue on to pay slotting fees, not to have to buy the product promotion, product promotion not only of what use will continue to be charged, the most hateful is that the two companies with a platform, fees directly over four or five times." Merchant table...

标签: 游戏