新关注 > 信息聚合 > 对方满眼惊恐并朝你扔了只鬼:逼真的VR鬼屋游戏


Each other with panic and threw only at your ghost: realistic VR haunted house game

2016-05-26 09:52:54来源: 17173

炎热的夏夜,以前人们都喜欢围着乘着凉风讲故事,或者在白天去游乐园的鬼屋探险吧,但是,有了这款游戏,大家就犯不着花钱去游乐园了,可以在家直接戴上VR设备进入“真正的鬼屋”,游戏名字叫做《鬼屋历险:瓦莱丽的复仇VR》(Houseof Terror VR 暂译)。 这款游戏推出有一段时间了...

Before hot summer night, people like around in the cool stories, or go to the haunted house adventure amusement park during the day, however, with the game, everyone would rather spend money to go to the amusement park, at home can be directly put on VR devices into the "real haunted house", the game is called "the haunted house adventure: Valerie revenge of the VR (Houseof Terror VR n). The game is released for some time...

标签: 游戏 VR