新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周董秒化身EZ,《英雄联盟》主题雪碧限量10000套


Jay Chou's second incarnation of EZ, "hero alliance" theme Sprite limited edition of 10000 sets

2016-05-26 00:57:59来源: 178游戏网

可口可乐中国公司和游戏的异业合作已经不是一天两天的事情了,早在2005年就和《魔兽世界》合作,将精灵的图案印满了可乐瓶身。相信那句“要爽由自己,冰火暴风城”很多人还记忆犹新吧! 还和盛大的《永恒之塔》合作,制造出了炫酷的黑色瓶装零点可乐,让玩家们惊喜了一把。 另外,可口可乐法国也在2...

Coca-Cola Chinese companies and the game industry cooperation is not a matter of two days a day, as early as 2005 and the World of Warcraft cooperation, the spirit of the pattern printed on the bottle body. I believe that "to be cool by themselves, ice storm the city" a lot of people still remember it! And also the grand "eternal tower" cooperation, create cool black bottled coke zero, let the game player have a surprise. In addition, Coca-Cola France is also 2...

标签: 英雄联盟