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妖怪手机开学大作战 得服装及道具

The monster phone opening large combat clothing and props

2016-03-04 19:16:35来源: 4399

妖怪手机开学大作战 做学霸得新服装 开学啦!小伙伴们快来一起打妖怪,做学霸,还能抽取各种道具奖励及服装哦! 活动时间:2016年3月4日-3月17日 活动地点:游戏右上角“新闻”中进入 小伙伴们可以通过积分抽取各种奖励哦! 1、学霸:花费100开学大作战积分 次数:每天2次 ...

The monster phone students have to fight for good grades the start of the new clothing begins! Friends to come and play the devil, do good grades of students, also can draw all kinds of props reward and clothing! Activity time: on March 4, 2016 - March 17 activity location: game "news" in the top right corner to enter friends can be extracted by integral awards! 1, students with excellent grades: spend 100 school big battle integral number: 2 times a day...