新关注 > 信息聚合 > 策略新作《战锤:奥术魔法》将登PC和安卓平台


Strategies for new "war hammer: arcane magic" will the PC and the android platform

2016-03-04 23:34:47来源: 逗游网

《战锤》日前推出的手机新作《战锤:奥术魔法(Warhammer: Arcane Magic)》已于即日起正式在Google Play及PC平台上推出,均采用付费下载制营运,但游戏内也另设有需付费解锁的内容。 本作由Games Workshop授权Turbo Tape Games制作,...

The hammer launched mobile phone book the war hammer: Arcane Magic (Warhammer: Arcane Magic), on this day officially launch on Google Play and PC platforms, adopt downloads system operation, but the game also has also has to pay to understand the content of the lock. This authorized by the Games Workshop Turbo Tape Games,...

标签: 安卓 PC