新关注 > 信息聚合 > 童年的它们都已20岁 迎来20周年纪念的游戏大作

童年的它们都已20岁 迎来20周年纪念的游戏大作

Childhood they have 20 games to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the book

2016-03-04 17:49:53来源: 新浪

1996年是电子游戏和动漫产业上最重要的时间节点,在该年推出了后续无数被玩家奉为经典的动漫和游戏作品。因此在2016年我们曾经津津乐道的游 戏都将在今年迎来20周年纪念,不管是刻意为之,还是凑巧赶上,这些经典都值得我们致以最高的敬意与献礼。下面就让我们选出9款代表性的游戏作品,这其中 既...

In 1996, is one of the most important time on video games and animation industry nodes, in this year launched a subsequent countless was celebrated as a classic anime and game works. So in 2016 we had relished the play will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of this year, whether, or happens to catch up with, all of these classic deserves our highest respect and tribute. Let's choose 9 representative game works, which is...

标签: 游戏