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赛尔号开学谢礼怎么得 有什么用

What's the use of cernet number of school honoraria how much

2016-03-04 17:42:13来源: 4399

问:赛尔号开学谢礼怎么得?赛尔号开学谢礼有什么用? 答:赛尔号开学谢礼可以在活动【赛尔号玄元风神超进化 风玄灵尊】中使用。使用开学谢礼可以兑换战斗、神秘、暗影、冰、超能、草、飞行、光能量。 开学谢礼可以通过以下三个活动获得~

Q: (opening honoraria how much? What's the use of opening honoraria cernet number? A: (opening honoraria can 【 the activity (the xuan yuan fengshen evolution The wind XuanLing honour 】. Use of school honoraria convertible battle, mystery, shadow, ice, super powers, grass, fly, the light energy. The school honoraria ~ can be obtained through the following three activities