新关注 > 信息聚合 > 城墙还是建筑 部落冲突炸弹兵目标分析

城墙还是建筑 部落冲突炸弹兵目标分析

Walls or buildings tribal conflict bomb soldier target analysis

2016-02-26 18:43:29来源: 4399

部落冲突中炸弹人是拆墙的利器,但是基本上很多人都不知道炸弹人是冲着墙去还是防御去的!虽然这个问题不是那么的重要,但是了解一下也无妨! 4399部落冲突交流群:531517207 欢迎大家加入 有人问到炸弹人瞄准的目标是城墙还是建筑,我来发个图简单说明一下。 这是我上一场的部落战,这...

Bomb of tribal conflict were wall the weapon, but a lot of people don't know the bomb people basically is to go toward the wall or defense! Although this problem is not so important, but know the also just as well! 4399 tribal conflict communication group: 4399 welcome to join people to shoot at someone asked bombs are walls or buildings, let me explain to send a simple figure. This is I was in a tribal war, the...