新关注 > 信息聚合 > iOS单服日均流水20万 小米领衔多方出品《我欲封..

iOS单服日均流水20万 小米领衔多方出品《我欲封..

IOS single serving daily flow of 200 thousand millet led multi product, I want to seal..

2016-02-26 20:20:45来源: 新浪

2月26日,《我欲封天》手游发布会在有爱互动公司举行,小米副总裁尚进、有爱互动CEO胡冰、天马时空CEO刘惠城、原著作者耳根共同出席。发布会就《我欲封天》近期测试成绩进行了总结,并与现场媒体及作者粉丝进行了交流。 发布会现场,尚进率先向大家介绍了《我欲封天》在测试期间的整体情况。在测...

In February 26th, "I want closure days" conference in Mobile Games love interactive company held, vice president of millet is still in love, interactive CEO Hu Bing, CEO Liu Huicheng, author of the original Pegasus space set attended. Conference on the "I want to seal the day" the recent test results were summarized, and the media and the author of the exchange of fans. Conference site, is still in the lead to introduce the "I want to seal the day" in the overall situation during the test. In test...

标签: iOS