新关注 > 信息聚合 > 扎克伯格携妻女发拜年视频秀中文:猴年大吉


Zuckerberg XieQi female video show Chinese send New Year greetings: monkey business

2016-02-11 11:27:57来源: 环球网

今年就是除夕了,Facebook CEO扎克伯格在Facebook上发布一段拜年视频,携妻女一同出镜,祝福大家猴年大吉。 扎克伯格表示,这个新年对于女儿Max很有意义,因为为她取了中文名:陈明宇,代表希望世界的未来更美好。 以下为扎克伯格祝福全文: “大家好!新年快乐! 今年能...

This year is New Year's eve, Facebook CEO mark zuckerberg on Facebook released a new video, XieQi female together, wish you good luck in year of the monkey. Zuckerberg said that the New Year is meaningful for daughter, Max, because as she took the name: ming-yu Chen, on behalf of the hope that the future of the world a better place. The following blessed zuckerberg full text: "everybody! Happy New Year! This year...

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