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MDL冬季赛中国区预选 八强相争最后名额

MDL winter season in China ended last pre-quarterfinals fight

2016-01-19 14:10:13来源: 游久网

由上海耀宇文化传媒股份有限公司(简称MarsTV)主办的DOTA2国际职业联赛—2016年度MDL国际精英邀请赛冬季赛将于1月27日至1月31日在江苏无锡华莱坞影都正式打响,本次2015 MDL冬季赛将有十组战队参与线下总决赛,其中OG、VG、Secret、Ehome、EG、LGD六支“...

Yao Yu from Shanghai Culture Media Co., Ltd. (MarsTV) sponsored DOTA2 International Professional League - the year 2016 MDL Winter Cup International Invitational will be January 27 to January 31 were officially started in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, Hollywood Movies, the 2015 MDL winter season will be ten teams involved in the group offline finals, where OG, VG, Secret, Ehome, EG, LGD six "...