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自带爆衣技能《洛奇英雄传》黛莉娅 2月3日上线

With the explosion of heroes "," Rocky Clothing skills Ronald Delia launched in February 3rd

2016-01-19 13:33:50来源: 新浪

一朵王国里的怒放玫瑰,一个使大剑的骑士公主,一段惊天地的艾琳大陆新故事。《洛奇英雄传》第六个女性角色黛莉娅将于2月3日上线,陪伴玩家度过一个精彩的猴年春节!胸大还貌美?肤白还艺高?公主出身的黛莉娅,将给艾琳大陆带来怎样别致的气息,还请拭目以待! 【上线时间确定 2月3日黛莉娅来袭】 ...

A rose in full bloom in the Kingdom, a large sword Knight princess, a world of Aileen, new story. The lodge hero biography "on February 3, the six female characters Rosa Delia will be on-line, accompany players spend a wonderful monkey in the Spring Festival! The pectoralis major is beautiful? Skin white also YKO? The princess was born to Aileen, Ronald Delia, will bring what unique flavor, please wait and see! [February 3rd] Ronald Delia incoming line time...