新关注 > 信息聚合 > 寒假春运将至 热门休闲手游推荐

寒假春运将至 热门休闲手游推荐

Spring Festival is approaching popular winter leisure travel recommendation Hand

2016-01-19 13:24:13来源: 天极网

2015年的手游市场上,MOBA和FPS类型的手游开始逐渐起势,然而休闲类型的手游仍然占据着整个行业的大半江山。这里,为大家推荐一些热门休闲手游,让大家在岁末年初轻松获得一份好心情! 《神武2》手游 星级评定:★★★★★ 一句话点评:经典大作移动版,互动玩法精彩纷呈。 《...

The 2015 hand travel market, MOBA and FPS types of hand tour began from the potential, however, casual type of hand travel industry as a whole still holds most of the country. Here, we recommend some popular leisure hand tour, so that we easily get in the turn of the year in a good mood "brilliant 2" hand tour Star rating:! ★★★★★ word Comments: The classic masterpiece mobile, interactive play colorful. "...

标签: 手游