新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3年辉煌继续《我叫MT》获苹果专属页面推荐


3 years of glorious continue to "I'm MT" won apple page is recommended

2016-01-19 18:28:48来源: 4399

卓越游戏旗下的国民级卡牌手游《我叫MT》已经在1亿玩家的陪伴下度过了三年。曾经AppStore六榜第一等辉煌已成过去,不变的只有前进的脚步和经典情怀。近日,苹果商店特别推荐MT,可以说是送给卓越游戏和众多玩家的一份新年大礼。 既然是苹果特别推荐,那就一定会有许多“特别”之处。细心的玩...

Excellent games, national level card player swim "my name is MT has spent three years in the company of 100 million players. Once AppStore list of six first glorious has become the past, only forward steps and classic feelings. Recently, the apple store particularly recommended MT, can be said to be given to outstanding game and many players of a New Year gift. Now that is particularly good apple, then there must be many "special". Careful play...

标签: 苹果