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韩式沙盘 顺网游戏《魔龙之戒》3D打斗来袭

Shun Korean sandbox gaming "Ring of Dragons" 3D fighting strikes

2015-12-21 11:20:51来源: 一游网

顺网游戏《魔龙之戒》是一款拥有韩式精美画风的3D无端页游,人物角色360°自由旋转更加逼真带感,目前顺网魔龙1区震撼开启中,今天,就让小编带着大家揭开它的奇幻面纱吧。 龙族归来,再铸魔戒。为收集并净化索伦之力、征服恶龙,勇士们纷纷戴上魔龙之戒,带领众族对抗末日入侵,开始救世主的传奇。...

Shun gaming "Ring of Dragons" is a Korean owned exquisite style of 3D unprovoked page tour, personas 360 ° free rotation with a more realistic sense of the current network along Tiamat shocked to open in Zone 1, today, let Xiao Bian opened it with a fantasy veil it. Dragon returned recast Lord of the Rings. To collect and purify the power of Sauron, the conquest of the dragon, Tiamat warriors have to wear the ring, he led all the families against doomsday invasion began savior legend. ...

标签: 网游 游戏