新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《口袋妖怪GO》将包含整个世界 玩家分阵营对战

《口袋妖怪GO》将包含整个世界 玩家分阵营对战

"Pokemon GO" will contain a sub-camp play against players throughout the world

2015-12-21 11:14:58来源: 新浪

近日,《口袋妖怪GO》开发商Niantic的CEO John Hanke和CMO Mike Quigley接受了国外媒体VentureBeat的采访,透露了大量关于正在开发的增强现实游戏《口袋妖怪GO》的详情。 首先谈到与任天堂的合作,John Hanke表示口袋妖怪公司CEO石原恒...

Recently, the "Pokemon GO" developers Niantic's CEO John Hanke and CMO Mike Quigley accepted the foreign media interview with VentureBeat, he revealed a lot of details on developing augmented reality game "Pokemon GO" is. Turning first collaboration with Nintendo, John Hanke, CEO Ishihara expressed Pokemon Hang ...

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