新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游的凛冬已至靠谱娱乐如何泛娱乐热身


Mobile game is still winter has to warm up on how extensive entertainment entertainment

2015-12-16 14:32:55来源: 电玩巴士

翻开如今的各大游戏媒体,去年还被千万级大作、亿元并购、市场大热等词热捧的手游早已进入传统渠道萎靡、市场冬天到来的尴尬境地。而事实也是如此:腾讯等巨头占据了越来越大的份额,整体市场“二八定律”愈发明显,渠道经历刷榜、返利等一番乱象之后,导致自身危机重重,小CP便成了这轮竞赛的牺牲品。 ...

Open today's each big media game, last year one hundred million yuan level was also must work, mergers and acquisitions, market hot word popular mobile game already entered the lack of traditional channels, market embarrassment coming in the winter. The truth is also true: tencent giants such as occupy a larger share of the overall market "and" more and more obvious, channel after brush list, rebates and other some kind of mess, lead to their own troubles, small CP has become the victim of this round of competition. ...

标签: 手游