新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火影忍者手游先遣测试活动一览 十大活动助阵游戏..

火影忍者手游先遣测试活动一览 十大活动助阵游戏..

Naruto Mobile Games advance test activities list ten activities to help out the game.

2015-12-11 13:54:44来源: 4399

各位亲爱的忍者学员: 为了答谢所有忍者学员对《火影忍者》手游的支持与厚爱,先遣体验测试10大活动全线开启,海量豪礼等你来拿!只要你持续关注并积极参与以下活动,就可以在忍术修炼中得到快速成长,从下忍学员到超强火影,实现火影梦想并不遥远。 活动1:先遣体验测试 登录有礼 活动内容:先遣...

Ninja dear students: in order to thank all Ninja student of Naruto hand tour of the support and love, open the advance experience test 10 activities across the board, massive ho ceremony for you to take! As long as you continue to pay attention to and actively participate in these activities, you can get rapid growth in Ninjutsu repair refine, from under the forbearance of the trainees to super Naruto, Naruto to achieve the dream is not far away. Activity 1: advance experience test log courtesy activities: advance...

标签: 游戏 手游