新关注 > 信息聚合 > 「游八卦」把游戏名写在卫星上送上太空 手游就能..

「游八卦」把游戏名写在卫星上送上太空 手游就能..

The "Eight Diagrams" to write the name of the game on the satellite sent to the space tour will be able to.

2015-12-04 22:23:30来源: 任玩堂

最近听说有手游公司想要放卫星做宣传,哇!真壕啊! 在我们已经对各种”2米长的黄金宝刀“和”荣登时代广场大屏幕“之类的手游宣传审美疲劳的时候,手游公司这次要放卫星了。 在《新大主宰》拍摄的这条宣传片中,他们请来了一位叫做卢驭龙的95后少年,宣称要做”中国私人发射卫星上太空的第一人“。 ...

Recently heard that there is a hand travel companies want to put the satellite to do publicity, wow! Really ah hao! We have to "2 meters long gold sword" and "topped the big screen in Times Square" like Tour propaganda aesthetic fatigue, hand tour of the company to put the satellite the. In the "new rule" filmed a promo, they invited a called Lu Yu Long 95 young, claiming to do "China private launch a satellite into space in the first person. ...

标签: 游戏 手游