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激爽的跑酷2.0 《星际战甲》“深水危机”试玩

Cream cool parkour 2.0 star armor "demo" deep crisis"

2015-12-04 16:11:50来源: 178游戏网

作为2015年有数的科幻射击题材网游,《星际战甲》在画面制作上无疑是当下科幻元素最好最逼真的。在只看画面就足以吸引一批科幻粉、画面党的情况下,游戏还涵盖了诸如动作射击、无限飞行、激爽跑酷、多样PVP等丰富玩法。 让人惊叹的是,似乎这些都还不是尽头,《星际战甲》在12月4日更新了首部资...

The topics of the 2015 several sci-fi shooting games, armour of the Star Wars on the frames is the best and most realistic science fiction elements. In only look at the picture would be enough to attract a group of science powder, picture the situation of the party, the game also covers such as shooting, infinite flight, great variety of parkour, PVP for rich. Is amazing, it seems that these are still not at the end of the interstellar armor on December 4, update the first venture...