新关注 > 信息聚合 > 莫欺新人小 《空洞骑士》明年夏季发布

莫欺新人小 《空洞骑士》明年夏季发布

Mo bully new small "empty Knight" released next summer

2015-11-24 11:35:39来源: 4399

不知还有没有人记得,去年那个叫Team Cherry的由三个人组成的独立游戏制作小组。当时他们曝光了自家作品《空洞骑士(Hollow Knight,又名虚空骑士)》并开启众筹,如今众筹成功,游戏开发工作也已进入正轨,该作将于明年夏季上线。 游戏的故事以神秘洞窟Hollownest为舞台...

I do not know if there is no one to remember that last year, that is called Cherry Team composed of three individual game production team. At the time of their own works "empty exposure (Hollow Knight, also known as the void Knight Knight)" and open all the chips, now successfully raised the public, game development work has entered the track, the next line in summer. The story of the game for the stage by the mysterious cave Hollownest...