新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《新天龙八部》荣获金翎奖最佳原创网络游戏


The new tian long ba bu "won Jin Ling award for best original online games

2015-11-24 11:01:17来源: 多玩游戏

“金翎奖”2015年度优秀游戏评选盛典已落下帷幕。经过长达三个月的激烈角逐,在广大玩家的支持与票选下,《新天龙八部——君临天下》再次脱颖而出,荣获2015年度最佳原创网络游戏奖项! 《新天龙八部》荣获金翎奖最佳原创网络游戏 【亿万玩家选择,武侠网游标杆之作】 作为中国游戏行业...

"Jin Ling award" 2015 annual excellent game selection event has ended. After three months of intense competition, under the wide support and vote for players, the new tian long ba bu, reigns again stand out, won the 2015 original network game of the year award! "New tian long ba bu" won the award of Jin Ling best original online games an online benchmarking masterpiece 】 【 millions of players to choose, martial arts as the Chinese game industry...

标签: 游戏