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Han palace, the top five innings fighting CFS invitational tournament in Brazil

2015-11-24 12:56:42来源: 爱拍游戏

11月23日凌晨,CFS巴西邀请赛总决赛在里约热内卢打响。中国汉宫Clan与北美3SUP CARBON进行了五个回合、近六个小时的鏖战,终于一锤定音,拿下冠军。回顾这三天的征程,这是汉宫证明自我的历程,更是捍卫中国CF、中国电竞荣耀! 汉宫出征CFS巴西邀请赛 有惊无险 汉宫锁定小...

On November 23 in the morning, CFS tournament finals began in Rio DE janeiro in Brazil. Chinese han palace Clan and north American 3 sup CARBON five rounds, nearly six hours of fighting, finally final and win the title. Review this three days journey, and this is the history of the han palace to prove themselves, but also defend China CF, China e-sports glory! Han palace for CFS invitational tournament in Brazil Narrowly missed Han palace lock small...

标签: CF