新关注 > 信息聚合 > 问道手游社交系统怎么样 单身节脱单神器

问道手游社交系统怎么样 单身节脱单神器

Asked how Mobile Games social system single day off single artifact

2015-11-10 15:46:08来源: 4399

又是一年双十一,除了往购物车狂塞的剁手党以外,各位道友是否也是过节大军中的一员呢?今天,4399挽歌为各位道友带来问道手游社交系统的使用规则,让各位道友可以在《问道》手游中找到心仪的那个“她”或“他”~ Ο你不是一个人在战斗——自由组队系统介绍 在手游中,想要组队战斗,不再需要呼朋唤...

is a double eleven, in addition to the shopping car crazy plug hand chop party, each friend is also a member of the army of the holidays? Today, the 4399 elegy using rules for social system Mobile Games asked each friend, let each friend can be "asked" Mobile Games in finding that the "she" or "he" April ~ you are not a person in battle - free team system introduced in Mobile Games, want team battles, no longer need to want to call...

标签: 手游 社交