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全民枪战万圣节AK怎么获得 万圣节AK47获得方法

Halloween AK how to get the method

2015-10-31 16:41:54来源: 4399

问:全民枪战万圣节AK怎么获得?万圣节AK47获得方法有哪些? 答:在万圣节期间,玩家们在全民枪战商城中可以购买万圣金币礼包或是万圣荣誉礼包,都可以获得限时的万圣节AK,本次万圣节AK无法直接购买,并且购买的都是限时的。 全民枪战万圣节礼包详细内容:全民枪战万圣节礼包哪个好 买哪个万...

AK47 asked: the whole nation a gun battle Halloween AK how to get? What are some of the methods of getting the AK47? Answer: at Halloween, players in the National Mall shootout can buy Halloween gold packs or Halloween honorary packs, can obtain limited Halloween AK, this Halloween AK can not buy directly, and the purchase is limited. Package details: Universal gunfight Halloween Halloween universal gunfight which good buy which million packs...