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齐聚居庸关 《热血传奇手机版》年度盛典直播

Juyong gathered annual ceremony of "the legend of Mir mobile phone version of" live

2015-10-31 00:51:46来源: 电玩巴士

齐聚居庸关 《热血传奇手机版》年度盛典直播 10月30日19点整,《热血传奇手机版》年度盛典在居庸关热血举行。见面会现场位踞长城雄关,腾讯游戏与盛大游戏高层、代言人郑伊健、传奇铁杆老玩家、百家明星公户代表等热血兄弟在现场齐聚,共同见证《热血传奇手机版》开拓玛法大世界,见证11月23日...

Juyong gathered annual ceremony of "the legend of Mir mobile phone version of" live on 30 October 19 o'clock, "the legend of Mir mobile phone version of" annual festival in Juyong off blood held. Meeting site squat impregnable pass of the Great Wall, Tencent games and Shanda high-rise, spokesman, Ekin Cheng, legendary hardcore old players, hundreds of Star public representatives blood brothers gathered at the scene, together to witness "the legend of Mir mobile phone version of" pioneering marfa world witness on November 23...

标签: 直播 热血传奇