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Send 168 reservation! A penny do not spend smooth play the fairy language "

2015-10-30 18:19:48来源: 不凡游戏网

好玩不花钱,开心交好友 自《宝宝西游》游戏上线以来,一直有不少死忠玩家对这一卖萌系游戏名称表示吐槽无能。为了安抚诸位玩家的怨念,4399正式宣布,从今日开始,MMORPG回合制精品大作《宝宝西游》正式更名为《仙语》啦!同时,万众期待的最新版本以及新服“紫气东来”也将于11月3日与玩家...

fun not to spend money, happy friends since the baby swims on the west" game on the line, has many loyal players on the sell MOE in the name of the game, said Tucao incompetence. In order to appease the resentment of ladies and gentlemen internationally, 4399 officially announced that from today, fine turn based MMORPG masterpiece "baby swims on the west" officially changed its name to "immortal"! At the same time, awaited the latest version of the new service and the "luck" in November 3rd and the game player...