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Xishanju JX code S beta new appointment process to look ahead

2015-10-30 18:35:40来源: 多玩游戏

文章内容来自官方。 剑侠情缘系列首款3D武侠动作RPG手游《剑侠代号S》品剑封测,11月1日即将接受首测资格预约。本次封测为删档测试,不开放充值,测试结束后服务器数据将清零。本轮封测仅针对安卓系统,其他系统暂不参与测试。 需要注意的是,游戏的流畅运行需要手机达到一定配置(至少小米...

articles from the official games. JX series first 3D martial arts / action RPG mobile games "musketeers of the code s products sword beta, November 1, will receive first test qualification appointment. The beta to delete files test, not open to recharge, after the end of the test server data will be cleared. The only test for the Android system, other systems will not participate in the test. Note that the game's smooth running requires a certain cell phone to reach a certain configuration (at least millet...