新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小岛秀夫藏了什么:《合金装备5》所不知道的结局


Hideo Kojima is hiding something: "Metal Gear Solid 5" do not know the outcome

2015-10-30 21:33:18来源: 电玩巴士

小岛秀夫倾尽全部心血打造的《合金装备5:幻痛》却总给人一种没有完结的感觉,到底小岛监督还隐藏着什么没有拿出来呢?日媒FAMI通对此进行了报道,涉及部分剧透,没有玩完46章的玩家要谨慎观看。 业内一直流传着《合金装备5:幻痛》其实并没有做完,一定还有未放出章节的论调,其实很多游戏都碍于...

Hideo Kojima inclination to make all efforts to build "Metal Gear Solid 5: phantom pain, it always gives people a feeling of no end, end Island supervision also hide something not to take out?? Japanese media fami through has carried on the report regarding this, involving some spoilers, not through 46 chapter the player must carefully watch. Has been circulating in the industry, the alloy equipment 5: Magic pain, in fact, did not finish, there must be no release section of the argument, in fact, many games are due to...

标签: 合金装备