新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易《斩魂》手游悬念站曝光 预计年内开测

网易《斩魂》手游悬念站曝光 预计年内开测

Netease "cut soul" tour suspense station exposure is expected in open test

2015-10-31 09:43:50来源: 17173

近日,在网易闯关格斗《斩魂》的官方网站上,悄然推出了一个全新手游概念站,并展示了共展示了狂刀、药师、影战、仙法、金刚、镇魂等6名角色。其中,镇魂和金刚是作为全新角色首次亮相,但除了职业之外官方并未透露更多信息。笔者从网易内部了解到,《斩魂》疑将推同名横版格斗手游,并或于年内开启测试。 ...

recently, Netease checkpoints fighting "cut the soul" on the official website, quietly launched a new mobile games concept station, and show show a total of crazy knife, pharmacists, shadow war, fairy, King Kong, the soul of the town, six roles. Among them, the town soul and King Kong is a new role as the first appearance, but in addition to the official did not disclose more information on the professional. The author learned from the internal Netease, "cut the soul" is suspected of pushing the same name cross hand combat hand travel, and open the test in the year. ...

标签: 手游 网易