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KOO Tigers:直面“歌利亚”SKT的“牧童大卫”

Koo Tigers: in the face of "Goliath" SKT "shepherd David

2015-10-31 13:11:44来源: 锐派游戏

本文由RN怪怪的兔子编译整理,Quinn Humphreys原作,转载请注明出处 KOO Tigers被大多数人所记住可能是因为他们稀奇古怪的穿着和言行,但本届全球总决赛证明,新嫩的队伍也会拥有世界上最优秀的选手。 这支由五个志趣相投的朋友组成的队伍成立于2014年底,那时韩国LOL...

in this paper by the RN strange strange rabbit compiler finishing, Quinn Humphreys original, reproduced please indicate source Koo tigers are most people remember may be because their strange dressed and behavior, but the current global finals proved, young team will also have the world's best players. The five like-minded friends team was established at the end of 2014, when South Korea LOL...