新关注 > 信息聚合 > 守望先锋官推发布神秘图片:新地图外星人袭击地..


Watch out for the pioneer officials to push the release of the mysterious picture: the new map of the alien attack..

2015-10-31 13:45:31来源: 4399

今日《守望先锋》官方推特发布了一张神秘图片,但我不确定这将预示着什么全新内容。新英雄?新地图?或者还是新模式? 但我可以肯定的是,这张图片的发布和即将到来的2015年暴雪嘉年华有着必然的联系,在加州安纳海姆会议中心,《守望先锋》的设计师们肯定会为我们揭晓关于这张图片的最后谜底! 即...

today, watch the pioneers, the official twitter released a mysterious picture, but I am not sure what this will herald a new content. New hero? New map? Or a new model? But I can say for sure is that there is a necessary link in this picture released and upcoming 2015 BlizzCon, in Anaheim, California Convention Centre, "watch pioneer" designers will certainly revealed the final answer about this picture for us! That is...

标签: 守望先锋