新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特战英雄充值领黄金都有什么


Special war hero recharge brought gold have what

2015-10-31 17:59:26来源: 7k7k小游戏

特战英雄的小伙伴们,大家是否都已经对本周更新的充值送黄金武器的活动都了解了呢?作为本周的福利活动之一,黄金武器可以说是一个非常好的买点!超强的武器实力,酷炫的游戏辨识度都成为了黄金武器的专属名词,那么本次的黄金武器都有哪些呢? 大家登录游戏后,可以在画面左边的玩家人物的旁边发现三个选项...

special war hero guy partners, whether we have to update this week recharge send gold weapons activities are aware of? As one of the benefits of the week, gold can be said to be a very good buy! Super weapon strength, cool game recognition has become the gold weapons exclusive terms, then the golden weapons are what? After you log in the game, you can find the left side of the screen to find three options...