新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上单将被砍 AD地位上升 S6季前赛前瞻

上单将被砍 AD地位上升 S6季前赛前瞻

On single will be cut AD status rose S6

2015-10-31 16:41:54来源: TechWeb

写在前面 S5赛季即将结束,职业联赛上,相信包括小编在内相信很多玩家都熬夜看比赛,尤其是看见中国队伍打出一波漂亮团战而大叫。中国的队伍虽然很遗憾的败北,不过不要紧,季前赛马上就要开始了,国内各支队伍也是在密锣紧鼓的筹备着。S1到S5不断的对装备更新,让很多玩家都有点接受不过来,自S4后...

season ahead of the S5 season is about to end, in the professional league, I believe that many players will stay up all night watching the game, in particular, to see the Chinese team played a wave of beautiful team fight and cry. The Chinese team although regret the defeat, but it does not matter, before the season, the horse racing is about to start, the domestic branch team is busy preparing. S1 to S5 constantly on the equipment update, so many players are a little bit to accept, since S4...