新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全民抵制外挂 《火线精英手机版》建议大征集(送..

全民抵制外挂 《火线精英手机版》建议大征集(送..

The whole nation to resist plug in the elite mobile phone version of the proposed collection (send..

2015-10-30 15:40:13来源: 4399

官网为了提供玩家们一个优良的游戏环境,决定加大力度打压外挂行为,另外火线精英手机版也会有不足之处,还望伙伴们多多体谅!你说我改,更有好礼相送! 【活动时间】10月27日——11月4日 【规则说明】 一、游戏内发现的bug 1.如遇bug或漏洞对游戏造成不便或者影响,请提供详细信息...

official website in order to provide players with a good game environment, decided to increase efforts to suppress the external behavior, and the elite mobile phone version also has a shortage, but also look at the partners a lot of understanding! You said I changed, more good manners at! [activity time] October 27th - November 4th, the rules of the game, the game found in the bug 1, such as the case of bug or vulnerability to the game inconvenience or impact, please provide details...