新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大场面更自由《斗仙2》游戏玩法惊爆


Greater scene "freedom of Dou Xian 2" gameplay shocking on 30

2015-10-27 16:15:48来源: 新浪

10月30日,3D自由战斗网游《斗仙2》将全面开启预建角色!《斗仙2》在延续前代专注多元战斗、PK竞技为核心理念的基础上,加入了集休闲养成与对战交互于一体的家园系统等丰富内容。今日更多游戏玩法精彩看点为您呈现,一个“大场面更自由”的《斗仙2》等你来约战。 【家园养成 别有洞天】 ...

10, free 3D fighting game "Dou Xian 2" will be fully open to pre built role! "Dou Xian 2" in the continuation of the previous generation focused on multi fight, PK sports as the core concept, based on the integration of leisure to develop and interact with one of the world's home system, etc.. Today more gameplay highlights for your presentation, a "big free" "2 cents" waiting for you to fight yuezhan. [home] a hidden but beautiful spot...

标签: 游戏