新关注 > 信息聚合 > WCA2015全球公开赛中国区总决赛结束


WCA2015 global open finals in China

2015-10-26 15:32:25来源: 中关村在线

WCA2015全球公开赛中国区总决赛于2015年10月25日终于决出代表中国出征全球的战队,经历这几天的场场激战,小编久久不能平息,让我们来一起回味WCA2015全球公开赛中国区总决赛中的那一幕幕精彩吧! 赛场内部,玩家驻足观看 WCA2015全球公开赛中国区总决赛签到处可领取的...

WCA2015 global open finals in China in 2015 on 25 October finally decided on behalf of the Chinese global expedition team ended, these days of field battle experience, Xiaobian for a long time can not be calm, let us together to finish WCA2015 global open finals in China the scene scene wonderful! In the field, the players stop to watch the world open in the WCA2015 finals of the China area finals can receive...