新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL克隆:五个英雄偷塔哪家强?蛮易信?不 还有..

LOL克隆:五个英雄偷塔哪家强?蛮易信?不 还有..

LOL clone: five heroes who stole the tower which is strong? Pretty easy letter? There is not..

2015-10-26 16:01:59来源: 东北网


steal home experts? Alliance may have a lot of, the first to be internationally thought of course is a juggernaut, the open mad dog model to steal picture of classic tower, I believe that everyone is very strange, slow down? He simply could not harm him, R is hard to open your door, see your one eye. Open the Kensai is saying / after the end of the fear, run aimlessly of the picture is quite interesting. And today, fish and you want to play the king and you say that these three steal tower experts, and can...

标签: LOL