新关注 > 信息聚合 > 打造手游明星主播!靠谱娱乐星计划启动“打赏+分..


Create hand travel star anchor! Fly entertainment star plans to start "rewards + points..

2015-10-26 18:35:13来源: 电玩巴士

你想获得万人瞩目的成就吗?你想将自己的才华毫无保留展现在大家眼里吗?你想成为不靠脸蛋偏偏靠才华吃饭的网络红人吗?这并不是公交车座位背后的成功学广告,而是靠谱娱乐专为游戏主播重金打造的“星计划”项目,全新双重营收、海量观众引流、便捷资讯辅助等功能为优秀主播走向人生巅峰。 靠谱娱乐!玩出...

you want to get the attention of the achievements it? You want to own talent without reservation to show in the eyes of everyone?? do you want to be not on the face of it happened that rely on talent eat network Reds? This is is not a bus seat behind the successful advertising, but fly entertainment designed for game anchor heavily to build" Star Plan "project, the drainage of new double revenue, a mass audience and convenient information auxiliary functions for excellent anchor to the pinnacle of life. Fly entertainment...

标签: 手游 主播